On the n-ary cartesian product
- February 23, 2013
The n-ary cartesian product (on lists) returns the cartesian product
of a list of list, rather than just two lists:
product [[1]; [2;3]; [4;5]]
[[1;2;4]; [1;2;5]; [1;3;4]; [1;3;5]]
. The result is the
empty list as soon of one of the input lists is empty. But what is the
product of the empty list of lists?
I first answered this question with mathematical considerations that, while working on set theory, will fell familiar to anyone having worked with dependent types. But there is a direct, much simpler answer in the code.

Quick tip: the ocamlbuild -documentation option
- February 20, 2013
First release of PPrint
- February 8, 2013
Implementing HAMT for OCaml
- February 2, 2013
During the second part of my internship this summer, I worked on a test implementation for a new data structure in OCaml : Hash Array Mapped Tries (HAMT). I did not have the time to finish it, but I now have a usable and quite complete version, still to be more documented but already available at http://gitorious.org/ocaml-hamt.
On this article, I will quickly explain the principles and the use cases of this structure, and I will expose a few details of my implementation in OCaml.