WhizzyTeX Frequently Asked QuestionsDidier RémyLast Modified: June 9, 2020 |
The URL is http://cristal.inria.fr/whizzytex/
The last major release is 1.3.1 and the stable version is 1.3.5
The last version of the FAQ can be found at http://cristal.inria.fr/whizzytex/FAQ.html
Before reporting a bug, have you checked that the source file correctly compiles and previews with the latex, previewer and options used in WhizzyTEX? (In recent versions of WhizzyTEX you may see the previewer’s command from Emacs using the menu View log... and selecting command.)
You may also check the latex log files (format, and latex, slice). In particular, format will show you the version of whizzytex.sty that has been loaded. Loading an old version will likely not work! (You may also check the Emacs version of whizzytex (from the Help entry of Whizzy menu).
Since the latex color package is implicitly loaded, you
should also check the compatibility with this package by
by explicitly including \usepackage{color}
right before the
(because whizzytex would load this package last)
and checking that it still compiles with latex.
In advi mode (when option -advi is used), the advi package is also implicitly loaded. So you should then also try to latex your source with the package advi explicitly loaded before all other packages, since some errors may be indirectly due to this advi and not to WhizzyTEX itself—then send your bug report to Active-DVI.
Also, do not forget to check your version number before repporting a bug. See the value of variable whizzytex-mode in Emacs manually or through the Emacs on-line documentation of whizzytex-mode. This version number should be identical to the one of whizzytex.sty, which is displayed on the welcoming page when starting WhizzyTeX, and also to the one of the script whizzytex, which you can check with the shell command whizzytex -version. If these three version numbers do not match, you have a broken installation, maybe a file of old version takes priority, which you can solve by deleled the old file or adjusting the corresponding PATH variable.
Fixed refers to last stable version.
The problem should be Fixed in versions ≥ 1.3.5.
Otherwise, an (imperfect) workaround is to reduce the slicing speed e.g. by the follow setting (you may need to adjust the value):
(setq whizzy-load-factor 0.1)
package.The x-symbol
package may now work together with WhizzyTEX, provided
you have a version of x-symbol greater than v4.3.3. However, the
option Page-to-point may still not work (under x-symbol
, the cursor
would be inserted at the end of the buffer instead of at the
current-position). Then, you may use the following alternative.
Alternatively, with (X)Emacs version 21 and above, you may set
to nil to tell WhizzyTEX not to use
. The slice will be write slower, but
in a way so that the x-symbol
package should always be compatible with
You may also wish to set 'x-symbol-auto-conversion-method
window reposition the point
in the emacs window?First, you should be using the advi
previewer. Then, check the
documentation of advi
, since bindings may depend on versions. This is
likely to be shift-left-mouse
or left-mouse
There might also be a short-cut that temporarily rebinds
to xxx-mouse
. This can be toggled by typing
in the advi
or by calling advi
with the option
Note that shift-midddle-click
and shift-right-click
(or their
shortcut versions) are used for move
and resize
commands when
WhizzyTEX has been designed to work with standard LaTeX. However, it should also work with other implementations of LaTeX, as long as they allow the creation of new formats.
As an example, to make it work with platex
you can edit
the script whizzytex
and change some findings as follows
(in the experimental version):
INITEX="platex -ini" LATEX=platex FORMAT=platex BIBTEX=jbibtex FMT=fmt
WhizzyTEX is designed for Unix
plateforms. However, Marciano
Siniscalchi reported that it successfully worked on his
Window plateform under Cygwin (1.5.5-1), using Cygwin/Xfree 4.3 and
xdvi from tetex 2.0.2-13.
The following modifications to the whizzytex script are necessary:
script by replacing xdvi.bin
by exec xdvi.bin
on the last line of the script
(as in some Linux distribs).whizzytex
script by replacing the line
preview() {mv $WHIZZY.dvi $WHIZZY.$VIEW; }with
preview() {cp $WHIZZY.dvi $WHIZZY.$VIEW; rm $WHIZZY.dvi}(Permission to rename the .wdvi file is denied while
is displaying it).Unfortunately, Cygwin/XFree86 is quite slow compared to XFree86 under Linux, etc. An alternative is to use a commercial X server, such as XWin32 from StarNet (www.xwin32.com). MI/X from Microimages (www.microimages.com) is another alternative, but since it is XFree86-based, it is not as fast as XWin32. Performance, even with XWin32, is still inferior to Linux.
Gregory Borota has reported much better performances with yap than with xdvi under Cygwin. He has written a small wrapper interface around yap to make it look like xdvi for WhizzyTEX and patched the source of WhizzyTeX accordingly. See the README and INSTAL file coming with his whizzytex-yap-.tgz patch, coming with absolutely no warranty.
See also the detailed installation guide written by Gunnar Hellmund.
Active-DVI does not currently handle virtual fonts (when called with virtual fonts, it usually shows a more or less blank screen). This can be fixed by expanding virtual fonts with dvicopy prior to display as explained on the Active-DVI FAQ.
In WhizzyTEX, this can be done automatically by passing the option -dvicopy dvicopy or equivalently setting
in .whizzytexrc configuration file in the working directory.
This package introduced a bug in the redefinition of \@xfloaf
that makes it incompatible with the color package
To fix it, your must redefine it as follows:
\def\@xfloat#1#2{\ifhmode \@bsphack\@floatpenalty -\@Mii\else
\else\@next\@currbox\@freelist{\@tempcnta\csname ftype@#1\endcsname
\@tfor \@tempa :=#2\do
{\if\@tempa h\advance\@tempcnta \@ne\fi
\if\@tempa t\advance\@tempcnta \tw@\fi
\if\@tempa b\advance\@tempcnta 4\relax\fi
\if\@tempa p\advance\@tempcnta 8\relax\fi
\global\setbox\@currbox \color@vbox \normalcolor \vbox\bgroup
\hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore}
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.