Séminaire Cambium, Inria Paris, 2 rue Simone Iff Salle Lions 1, bâtiment C Vendredi 24 mai, 10h30 Irene Yoon Inria Paris Velliris: A Relational Program Logic for LLVM IR This talk introduces Velliris, a relational separation logic for LLVM IR in Coq. VIR's formal semantics, using Interaction Trees (ITrees), provides a modular and executable semantics for LLVM IR. It is equipped with a relational program logic well-suited for control flow reasoning about possibly diverging programs. However, most LLVM IR transformation passes not only modify the control flow; their correctness also depends on invariants over state, using information derived either from analysis passes or user annotations. In such context, the pre-existing program logic of Interaction Trees falls short. In contrast, the Iris framework offers a flexible way to construct language-specific separation logics, which provide localized reasoning principles over state. Velliris merges these approaches, defining a relational program logic in Iris for the ITrees-defined VIR semantics. While typical Iris models build on small-step operational semantics, we define a new weakest-precondition model for stateful Interaction Trees to reconcile this approach. Moreover, we develop a robust theory over LLVM IR resources, providing a novel way of specifying LLVM IR’s attribute specifications, which record the compiler’s assumptions about function calls. Vous pouvez vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires: http://cambium.inria.fr/seminar.html Nos séminaires sont accessibles en ligne en direct via le lien ci-dessus.