Vous pouvez vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires http://gallium.inria.fr/seminaires/ S E M I N A I R E __ / _` _ / / o /| /| __ __ __ __ _ _ / ) __) / / / / / /\/| ----- / |/ | / )(_ / / ) ) ) __) (___/ (_/ (_ (_ / (__/ / | / | (__/ __)(_ (__/ (_/ (_/ I N R I A - Rocquencourt Amphi Turing du bâtiment 1 Lundi 10 octobre, 10h30 ----------------- Pierre-Yves Strub ----------------- INRIA =================================================================== An introduction to F*, a new dependently typed language for secure distributed programming =================================================================== Distributed applications are difficult to program reliably and securely. Dependently typed functional languages promise to prevent broad classes of errors and vulnerabilities, and to enable program verification to proceed side-by-side with development. However, as recursion, effects, and rich libraries are added, using types to reason about programs, specifications, and proofs becomes challenging. I will present F*, a full-fledged design and implementation of a new dependently typed language for secure distributed programming. It's designed to be enable the construction and communication of proofs of program properties and of properties of a program's environment in a verifiably secure way. F* provides arbitrary recursion while maintaining a logically consistent core; it enables modular reasoning about state and other effects using affine types; and it supports proofs of refinement properties using a mixture of cryptographic evidence and logical proof terms. F* compiles to .NET bytecode in type-preserving style, and interoperates smoothly with other .NET languages, including F#, on which it is based.