To: From: Subject: SEM - INRIA : Cristal - 17/02/06 - Paris - FR Vous pouvez vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires S E M I N A I R E ___ . / ___ __ /_ _ / /| /| _ __ __ _ _ / / / /_ / __| / ----- / |/ | / \ /_ / / \ | / __| |___ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / | |_/__/ |_ |_/ |/ |_/ I N R I A - Rocquencourt Amphi Turing du bâtiment 1 Vendredi 17 fevrier, 10h30 ----------------- Sébastien Carlier ----------------- Heriot-Watt University ========================================================= Expansion: Connecting Intersection Types, Type Inference, Principal Typings, Interaction Nets, etc. ========================================================= The operation of _expansion_ on typings was introduced at the end of the 1970s by Coppo, Dezani, and Venneri for reasoning about the possible typings of a term when using intersection types. Until recently, expansion has remained somewhat mysterious and unfamiliar, even though it is essential for carrying out _compositional_ type inference. The fundamental idea of expansion is to be able to calculate the effect, on the final judgement of a typing derivation, of inserting uses of the intersection-introduction typing rule at some (possibly deeply nested) positions, without actually needing to build the new derivation. Recently, we have improved on this technique by introducing _expansion variables_ (E-variables), which make the calculation straightforward and understandable. E-variables make it easy to postpone choices of which typing rules to use until later constraint solving gives enough information to allow making a good choice. Expansion can also be done for type constructors other than intersection, such as the ! of Linear Logic or the familiar forall quantifier, and E-variables make this easy. This talk explains the best current knowledge about expansion and how it can be used.