To: From: Subject: SEM - INRIA : LogiCal - 17/01/03 - Paris - FR Vous pouvez maintenant vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires S E M I N A I R E . ___ / _ _ / _ / / / \ / \ / / __| / |___ |_/ |_/ / |__ |_/ |_ ___ . / / ___ __ /_ _ / _/ /| /| _ __ __ _ _ / / / /_ / __| / / |/ | / \ /_ / / \ | / __| |___ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / | |_/__/ |_ |_/ |/ |_/ I N R I A - Rocquencourt Salle de conference du Bat 11 Vendredi 17 janvier, 10h30 ----------- Dale Miller ----------- INRIA/FUTURS and Ecole Polytechnique ================================== Encryption as an Abstract Datatype ================================== Specifying and analyzing security protocols is notoriously difficult on many levels. One approach to dividing up the work of such analysis uses what is commonly called the Dolev-Yao model of security execution and attack. It has been observed by various people recently, that this abstraction can be captured in large part by multiset rewriting augmented with a mechanism for generating new symbols to be used for new nonces and session and encryption keys. Proof search (logic programming) in linear logic can capture both multiset rewriting and the generation of new symbols via the proof theoretical device of eigenvariables. We shall examine such encodings into linear logic and look at how encryption can be viewed as an abstract data type and what the meta-theory of linear logic can tell us about protocols.