To: From: Subject: SEM - INRIA : Cristal - 17/12/02 - Paris - FR Vous pouvez maintenant vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires S E M I N A I R E . ___ / _ _ / _ / / / \ / \ / / __| / |___ |_/ |_/ / |__ |_/ |_ ___ . / / ___ __ /_ _ / _/ /| /| _ __ __ _ _ / / / /_ / __| / / |/ | / \ /_ / / \ | / __| |___ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / | |_/__/ |_ |_/ |/ |_/ I N R I A - Rocquencourt Salle de conference du Bat 11 Mardi 17 decembre, 10h30 ------------------- Richard B. Kieburtz ------------------- Oregon Graduate Institute ========================================================= Programatica -- Certifying properties of Haskell programs ========================================================= Many properties of interest to users of software systems are not easily captured in a comprehensive notion of correctness but are more naturally expressed as specific safety or liveness properties. Software can be certified to have specific functional (as distinguished from behavioral) properties on the basis of evidence that can take many different forms, including testimony of expert reviewers, systematic testing, state-space exploration and formal proof. A certificate is an authenticated link from a program and a property asserted of the program to evidence for that property. The Programatica project is exploring certification for properties of Haskell programs. Programatica includes logic for expressing properties of Haskell terms, a formal semantics for Haskell and for its logic, a notion of certificates and certificate management. This talk will give an overview of Programatica, its logic, and the role of certificate management.