Subject: Graphical Descriptions of Interactive Systems Jour: 23/10/98 (Vendredi 23 octobre) S E M I N A I R E ____ ____ ___ / _ _ / __ __ /_ _ / / | _ __ _ / / \ / \ ___ / / | / /_ / __| / ___ /___/ __| / | __| |___ |_/ |_/ |____ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / |_/ / |_/ / / I N R I A - Rocquencourt, Salle de confe'rence du batiment 08 Vendredi 23 octobre, 10h30 ------------------- Philippa Gardner ------------------- University of Cambridge Compt. Lab. ============================================================ Graphical Descriptions of Interactive Systems ============================================================ Abstract: There are various related graphical formalisms for describing features found in interactive systems. For example, 1. Lafont's interaction nets provide an account of deterministic computation, motivated by ideas from linear logic; 2. Yoshida's process graphs extend Lafont's framework to account for non-determinism, and provide a combinatoric account of the pi-calculus; 3. Milner's action graphs arose from the pi-calculus, and allow for the comparison of various process calculi based on the primitive notion of name; 4. Jeffrey's premonoidal graphs use ideas from closed action graphs and category theory to describe data and control flow graphs. In this talk, I will contrast these approaches, by showing how they are related and by giving examples to illustrate the differences between the various formalisms.