Subject: Static Typing for Dynamic Messages Jour: 06/02/98 (Vendredi 06 fevrier) S E M I N A I R E ____ ____ ___ / _ _ / __ __ /_ _ / / | _ __ _ / / \ / \ ___ / / | / /_ / __| / ___ /___/ __| / | __| |___ |_/ |_/ |____ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / |_/ / |_/ / / I N R I A - Rocquencourt, Salle de confe'rence du batiment 11 Vendredi 6 fevrier, 10h30 --------------- Susumu Nisimura --------------- RIMS, Kyoto University ================================== Static Typing for Dynamic Messages ================================== Dynamic messages are first-class messages dynamically bound to program variables. By dynamic messages, the methods to be invoked can be varied dynamically at run-time, which provides a powerful abstraction mechanism for object-oriented languages. Dynamic messages are critically needed for some programs, but it seems that there has been no proposal of static type systems for dynamic messages. This paper presents a static typing discipline for dynamic messages and formalizes it into a second order polymorphic type system. The type system satisfies the type soundness property and has a principal type inference algorithm. The type system therefore provides a foundation for a statically typed object-oriented language enriched with polymorphic dynamic messages. (For more information: