Functional satisfactionLuc Maranget
Inria Rocquencourt, BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France
This work presents simple decision procedures for the propositional
calculus and for a simple predicate calculus. These decision procedures are
based upon enumeration of the possible values of the variables in an
expression. Yet, by taking advantage of the sequential
semantics of boolean connectors, not all values are
enumerated. In some cases, dramatic savings of machine time can be
achieved. In particular, an equivalence checker for a small
programming language appears to be usable in practice.
1 Introduction
In this paper we propose a
simple, yet reasonably efficient decision procedure for the
propositional calculus and for a simple predicate calculus.
By “simple” we mean a technique inspired by the semantics
of the propositional calculus, not a sophisticated, resource aware,
technique such as binary decision diagrams.
Whereas, by “reasonably efficient” we mean more efficient
than the most naive decision procedures.
first consider the evaluation of boolean expressions with variables.
Given a
boolean expression e1 ∨ e2, if the evaluation of e1 yields
true, there is no need to evaluate e2: the answer is true
regardless of the truth-value of e2. More generally it seems wise
to use such a sequential (or short-circuiting) evaluation of
propositions: it never hurts and may, in some circumstances, yield
important savings over a direct application of the
definitions of the boolean connectors.
Starting from a function E for evaluating boolean expressions, it is
possible to solve more complex problems. For instance, one can
check whether proposition e2 is a tautology or not, by enumerating all the
possible truth-value assignments of x1, x2, …xn, where
x1, x2, …xn are the variables of e2.
This simple idea can be expressed by the following pseudo-code:
for x1 in true, false do
for xn in true, false do
if E(e, x1, x2, …, xn) = false then e is not a tautology
The procedure sketched above does not take a significant
advantage of sequential evaluation of boolean connectors.
Let for instance consider the case when e is x1 ∨ e2.
Then, the procedure will blindly perform 2n evaluations of e.
However, when x1 is true, the truth-value of x1 ∨
e2 is true, regardless of the assignments of the remaining
variables x2, …xn and all the inner loops are useless.
More generally, while enumerating all assignments for the variables of
e1 ∨ e2, there is no need to enumerate the assignments for
the variables of e2, as soon as the truth-value of e1 is true.
Intuitively, taking advantage of sequential evaluation of boolean
connectors in such a context means mixing enumeration of variable
assignments and evaluation of boolean expressions.
This combination can be achieved quite easily in a functional language such as
Objective Caml [Ocaml, 2003]. The trick is to consider a
continuation-based semantics of the propositional calculus.
First class-functions then permit a straightforward implementation.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 recalls the
definition of sequential evaluation of boolean connectors, and gives
simple Caml code for an evaluator. Then, in
section 3, we show how to turn this evaluator into an
Finally, section 4 considers extending the
propositional calculus with monadic predicates.
2 Evaluation of propositions
2.1 Church booleans
In the λ-calculus, one can express the booleans true and false
as λ t f.t and λ t f.f.
let b_true kt kf = kt (* b_true : 'a -> 'b -> 'a *)
and b_false kt kf = kf (* b_false : 'a -> 'b -> 'b *)
The “if” construct being λ c t f.c t f,
one expresses the boolean connectors as follows:
let b_not b kt kf = b kf kt
(* b_not : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c *)
let b_and b1 b2 kt kf = b1 (b2 kt kf) kf
(* b_and : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('d -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'd -> 'b -> 'c *)
and b_or b1 b2 kt kf = b1 kt (b2 kt kf)
(* b_or : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'd -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'd -> 'c *)
Then, a boolean expression is written by calling the appropriate functions.
let b = b_and b_false (b_or b_true (b_or b_false b_false))
(* b : '_a -> '_b -> '_b *)
More generally, applying the functional
boolean connectors yields a function, which we call a functional
One may remark that a functional boolean is
either the function b_true
or the function b_false
and that the inferred type of functional booleans tells us which they
are — see also [Mairson, 2004] in this issue.
However, one may wish to recover more traditional truth-values:
let eval b = b true false (* eval : (bool -> bool -> 'a) -> 'a *)
2.2 Variables
Let us now enrich our very basic calculus with variables.
Environment lookup and construction are implemented by two functions.
Function find takes a variable name x
(of type string
) and an
environment env (of type 'a env
) as arguments and returns
Some v if env binds x to v, or
None when x is unbound, while function add
adds or updates a binding to an environment.
find : string -> 'a env -> 'a option
add : string -> 'a -> 'a env -> 'a env
Here, in the case of the propositional calculus, it is natural to bind
propositional variables to machine booleans, and the following
function b_var
takes an environment as an extra argument.
let b_var x kt kf env = match find x env with
| Some true -> kt env | Some false -> kf env
(* b_var :
string -> (bool env -> 'a) -> (bool env -> 'a) -> bool env -> 'a *)
Presently, the b_var
function does nothing but translating
machine booleans into functional ones.
The previous functional definitions of the
boolean connectors remain unchanged.
Now, the proposition x ∨ ¬ x can be written as:
let bx = b_or (b_var "x") (b_not (b_var "x"))
(* bx : (bool env -> '_a) -> (bool env -> '_a) -> bool env -> '_a *)
When supplemented by the definition of b_var
, the application
of functional connectors yields a variety of propositional
Notice that, in contrast to functional booleans, propositional functions all
have the same type.
The following function, eval
, evaluates a propositional function
w.r.t. an environment env
it returns a machine boolean.
let eval b env = b (fun _ -> true) (fun _ -> false) env
(* eval : (('a -> bool) -> ('b -> bool) -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'c -> 'd *)
One can see the definitions of b_var
and of the functional
connectors as a denotational, continuation-based,
semantics of the propositional calculus. The evaluator directly
derives from this semantics.
3 Enumeration
3.1 Intuition
A slight modification of the b_var
function will turn our
evaluating propositional functions into enumerating ones. It suffices
to add a clause for unbound variables.
let b_var x kt kf env = match find x env with
| Some true -> kt env | Some false -> kf env
| None -> kt (add x true env) ; kf (add x false env)
(* b_var : string ->
(bool env -> unit) -> (bool env -> unit) -> bool env -> unit *)
continuations kt
and kf
represent the computations
still to be performed when x is bound to true or false
If x is unbound, then b_var
considers both possibilities.
Notice that the sequence operator “;
” is used, hence
kf and kt are meant to be called for
their side effects.
We can now list “all” possible assignments of the variables of some
proposition by feeding b with the following two initial continuations.
let print_true env = print_env env ; print_endline " -> True"
and print_false env = print_env env ; print_endline " -> False"
let enum b = b print_true print_false empty
Where empty is the empty environment.
A run of enum on the functional proposition that encodes
((¬ x ∨ y) ∨ z) ∨ x outputs the following list:
x=t, y=t -> True
x=t, y=f, z=t -> True
x=t, y=f, z=f -> True
x=f -> True
As a consequence of the sequential evaluation of functional
connectors, not all the 23 possible assignments for variables x,
y and z are listed. However, the list is complete: a line
may stand for several assignments when it does not show some
variables. For instance, the first line above stands for the two
assignments x=t, y=t, z=t -> True
x=t, y=t, z=f -> True
, while the last line above stands for
four complete assignments.
Function enum performs better on the equivalent
proposition (x ∨ (¬ x ∨ y)) ∨ z :
x=t -> True
x=f -> True
More generally, enumerating any disjunction of the four terms x,
¬ x, y and z will yield either two or four lines.
Obviously, enum output can be understood as disjunctive
normal forms (take the disjunction of all lines seen as conjunctions),
however it is important to notice that no actual terms get built.
3.2 Correctness and completeness of enum
A precise statement of the properties of enum requires a few
First, a point on the truth-value of a proposition is worth mentioning.
Such truth-values are defined operationally
(by the eval function of section 2.2).
Hence, saying “the truth-value of b w.r.t. env is true” in fact
means:“evaluating b in environment env by using the
sequential (left-to-right)
semantics of boolean connectors yields true”.
Then, given two environments env and env', we say
that env' extends env when env' holds at least the same bindings
as env. Observe that if the truth-value of b
w.r.t. env is fixed, then the truth-value of b does not
change w.r.t. any environment extending env.
Now, we can state that enum
is correct and complete. Given
an expression b (encoded as propositional function b) and an
environment env, evaluating the application b kt kf env will
result in calling kt (resp. kf), if and only if
there exists an environment env', such that
the environment env' extends env,
- and the truth-value of b w.r.t.
environment env' is true (resp. false).
Given the nature of this work, we shall omit the proof, which is
by induction on the structure of propositional functions.
3.3 Flexibility
Enumerating propositional functions can be used to decide
various properties.
For instance, the following functions check for a
proposition to be a tautology and to be satisfiable.
exception Exit
let always_true b =
try b (fun _ -> ()) (fun _ -> raise Exit) empty ; true
with Exit -> false
(* always_true :
(('a -> unit) -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'd env -> 'e) -> bool *)
let maybe_true b =
try b (fun _ -> raise Exit) (fun _ -> ()) empty ; false
with Exit -> true
(* maybe_true :
(('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> unit) -> 'd env -> 'e) -> bool *)
The always_true
function enumerates “all” the assignments of
the variables of proposition b. If the truth-value of b w.r.t. one such
assignment is false, then b is not a
tautology and enumeration can stop. This is performed by raising
exception Exit.
Otherwise, there is no
assignment env such that the truth-value of b w.r.t. env
is false, and b is a tautology. The maybe_true
function acts
symmetrically. Moreover it could have be written
as not (always_true (b_not b))
The correctness of these functions directly stems from
section 3.2.
3.4 Avoiding side-effects
Imperative style can be avoided by considering different definitions
of b_var
for different properties.
For instance, we can replace the sequence operator “;
” by the
conjunction operator “&&
let b_var x kt kf env = match find x env with
| Some true -> kt env | Some false -> kf env
| None -> kt (add x true env) && kf (add x false env)
(* b_var : string ->
(bool env -> bool) -> (bool env -> bool) -> bool env -> bool *)
Then, a tautology checker simply is:
let always_true b = b (fun _ -> true) (fun _ -> false) empty
(* always_true :
(('a -> bool) -> ('b -> bool) -> 'c env -> 'd) -> 'd *)
Observe that,
to check satisfiability, it would
suffice to replace &&
by ||
in the definition
of b_var
This solution for avoiding side-effects works independently of the
implementation language, either strict or lazy. However, as suggested
by an anonymous referee, one can take better advantage of lazyness.
In a lazy langauge, one could write a new function enum
(cf. Section 3) that would return a list of pairs of environment
and truth value: (bool env * bool) list
, instead of printing
this information. Then, to test for tautology (resp. satisfiability), the
list can be lazily reduced, returning as soon as false (resp. true) is
found in the second component.
4 Beyond the propositional calculus
Our technique easily extends to more complex calculi.
For instance, we can extend the propositional calculus with monadic
(i.e., one-argument)
predicates P(x), Q(x), etc.
Environments now bind a variable x to a list of
atomic predicates, either positive (P(x)) or negative (¬ P(x)).
This list represents the conjunction of its elements
(a constraint on x).
And an environment represents the conjunction of its
4.1 A monadic predicate calculus
We consider a monadic predicate x = i where x is a variable and i is an
integer. The full syntax of the calculus is:
C ::= (EQUALS x i) | (OR C… C) | (AND C… C)
This calculus is the language of conditions of the small programming
language of 1999 ICFP programming contest [Ramsey & Scott, 2000].
Notice that disjunctions and conjunctions take an arbitrary number of
arguments. The corresponding abstract syntax is:
type cond =
Equals of string * int | Or of cond list | And of cond list
During enumeration, variables do in fact not range over lists of
atomic predicates. Instead, they range over the interpretation of
these lists as finite and co-finite sets of integers (co-finite sets
are sets whose complement is finite). We assume that such sets are
implemented by the module Ints, whose signature follows:
type t
val empty : t
val universe : t
val singleton : int -> t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val inter : t -> t -> t
val complement : t -> t
This module provides the
type Ints.t
of sets, the usual functions on sets
(inter, is_empty
etc.), the function
complement of type Ints.t -> Ints.t
for complementing
sets, and the value universe that represents the whole set of
Using finite and co-finite sets slightly simplifies
environments: the option type is no longer needed.
The role of None
taken by Ints.universe
and the role of Some
v is taken
by v. As a consequence,
the function find now has the more simple type
string -> 'a env -> 'a
Enumeration is in practice performed
at the predicate level:
let b_equals x i kt kf env =
let vx = find x env in
let vt = Ints.inter vx (Ints.singleton i) in
if not (Ints.is_empty vt) then kt (add x vt env) ;
let vf = Ints.inter vx (Ints.complement (Ints.singleton i)) in
if not (Ints.is_empty vf) then kf (add x vf env)
(* b_equals :
string -> int -> (Ints.t env -> unit) -> (Ints.t env -> unit) ->
Ints.t env -> unit *)
The b_equals
function is the analog of the b_var
of Section 3.1.
The sets vt and vf compactly express the previously
mentioned constraints on variable x. As an advantage of this
technique, unsatisfiable constraints are detected and discarded as
soon as they appear, by using the Ints.is_empty
Conditions of type cond are turned into enumerating functions
as follows:
let rec compile_cond c kt kf = match c with
| Equals (x, i) -> b_equals x i kt kf
| Or [] -> kf
| Or (c::cs) ->
b_or (compile_cond c) (compile_cond (Or cs)) kt kf
| And [] -> kt
| And (c::cs) ->
b_and (compile_cond c) (compile_cond (And cs)) kt kf
(* compile_cond :
cond -> (Ints.t env -> unit) -> (Ints.t env -> unit) ->
Ints.t env -> unit *)
It is important to notice that, in contrast to b_equals
the function compile_cond
has no
” argument in last position.
Indeed, the proposed compile_cond
function is η-reduced.
As a consequence, calling compile_cond
with all its three
“static” arguments yields some computations. More precisely, the connectors
and b_and
are reduced,
and compilation produces partial
applications of b_equals
Hence, compile_cond
arguably performs a compilation from
conditions to Caml functions, provided the continuations kt
and known.
All functions of section 3.3 (always_true
, etc.) are
still working.
4.2 A program equivalence checker
The contest language for statements included an if construct,
a case construct and a final return statement.
We consider a minimal language, although we implemented
the full contest language.
S ::= (IF C S S) | (DECISION j)
The (DECISION j) construct is the return statement,
an integer j is returned.
The Caml data type for statements S is standard, like their
semantics. As a consequence, the compilation function for
statements is quite simple:
type stm = If of cond * stm * stm | Decision of int
let rec compile_stm s k = match s with
| If (c, st, sf) ->
compile_cond c (compile_stm st k) (compile_stm sf k)
| Decision j -> k j
(* compile_stm :
stm -> (int -> Ints.t env -> unit) -> Ints.t env -> unit *)
As shown by its type, continuation k takes two arguments, a
decision and an environment.
Hence, by using a continuation that prints the current
environment and the decision made, one can write the analog of the
function of section 3.1.
For instance on the simple following decision program:
We get:
x:{0} y:{1} -> 0
x:{0} y:~{1} -> 1
x:~{0} -> 1
That is, the program reaches decision 0 for x ∈ {0} ∧ y ∈
{1}, while it reaches decision 1 for x ∈ {0} ∧ y ∈
ℤ∖ {1} or x ∈ ℤ ∖ {0}.
Our program equivalence tester is almost written, it suffices to
find the appropriate continuations.
let equivalent_stm s1 s2 =
let c2 r1 env1 =
compile_stm s2 (fun r2 env -> if r1 <> r2 then raise Exit) env1 in
let c1 = compile_stm s1 c2 in
try c1 initial ; true with Exit -> false
Enumeration on s1 starts in some initial
that binds all variables to universe
. Then, when a first
decision r1 is reached for some environment env1, a
second enumeration on s2 is started in
environment env1. That way, all decisions that s2
can reach by extending env1 are compared to r1.
For instance we can check that the previous decision program is
equivalent to this other program:
(IF (AND (EQUALS y 1) (EQUALS x 0))
The equivalence of the two programs results from the commutativity of
and from the
fact that (EQUALS x 1)
occurs in a context where
x value must be 0.
By slighty modifying equivalent_stm
so that it prints the
environment when both decisions are reached and running this verbose
version, we get:
x:{0} y:{1} -> 0, 0
x:{0} y:~{1} -> 1, 1
x:~{0} y:{1} -> 1, 1
x:~{0} y:~{1} -> 1, 1
Observe the the case x ∈ ℤ ∖ {0} now produces
two lines. This stems from the opposite order of AND
in the two programs.
However, our method still saves some tests, since a naive enumeration
method would consider the
additional condition x ∈ {1}.
The equivalence checker can be made more efficient in practice by a
simple improvement. The key idea is compiling statement s2
once to a Caml function. As mentioned at the end of
section 4.1 in the case of conditions, the
continuation k in compile_stm s2 k
must be a fixed
function. We achieve this with a reference cell.
let equivalent_stm s1 s2 =
let r = ref 0 in (* any integer fits *)
let c2 = compile_stm s2 (fun r2 env2 -> if !r<>r2 then raise Exit) in
let c1 = compile_stm s1 (fun r1 env1 -> r := r1 ; c2 env1) in
try c1 initial ; true with Exit -> false
The use of a reference cell to convey the successive values of
r1 is not that elegant. However, it is
easy to convince oneself that the reference r is set to the
proper value before c2 is called. And hence,
r1 and r2 are indeed compared.
The implemented equivalence checker is an optimized version of the
one presented above. Optimizations consist in resolving references to
variables at compile time (one variable is associated with one
reference cell), avoiding enumeration when a condition can be found
true or false by a simple scan (which is performed by another kind of
evaluating functions, compiled from conditions), and reordering the
arguments of connectors in order to present the most
frequent variables first.
In the case the previous example, this technique indeed saves some
final decision comparison,
since the arguments of the AND
connector are scanned in some
normalized order.
The equivalence checker has been tested on the contest inputs, by
comparing one input program with the output of one available
optimizer. With optimizations enabled, the equivalence checker runs
in no more than a few seconds on any of the inputs. Note that contest
inputs include one program with more than one thousand variables and
one other program almost three megabytes large. Without
optimizations, runtime is prohibitive on the largest inputs.
More information on this benchmark is available at
5 Conclusion
As demonstrated by the program equivalence checker, our decision
procedure is usable in practice.
Of course, such a simple decision procedure cannot compete with
more elaborated ones. In particular, in the case of the propositional
calculus, Binary Decision Diagrams [Bryant, 1986] outperform it.
However, the presented procedure remains efficient enough to
provide a serious reference implementation.
Functional programming is crucial to the method presented in this
paper both as a conceptual and implementation tool. First, the
decision procedures directly derive from continuation-based semantics
of the calculi. Hence, they remain simple and are likely to be
programmed correctly. Second, performance partly relies on the
compilation of terms of the calculi into closures.
Imperative constructs such as exceptions or reference cells prove useful
for exploiting our enumeration technique for various
purposes. However, we believe that this aspect is not important and
that our technique can also be implemented in a lazy functional
language such as Haskell.
- [Bryant, 1986]
Bryant, R. E. (1986)
Graph-based algorithms for Boolean function manipulation.
IEEE Transactions on Conputers C-35(8):677–691.
- [Mairson, 2004]
Mairson, H. G. (2004)
Linear lambda calculus and P-TIME-completness.
Journal of Functional Programing.
In this issue.
- [Ocaml, 2003]
Ocaml. (2003)
The Objective Caml Language (Version 3.07).
- [Ramsey & Scott, 2000]
Ramsey, N. and Scott, K. (2000)
The 1999 ICFP Programming Contest.
SIGPLAN Notices 35(3):73–83.
See also
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