Séminaire Cambium, Inria Paris BJ09 Lundi 25 novembre, 14h00 Yannick Zakowski Inria Lyon Abstract Interpreters: A Monadic Approach to Modular Verification In this talk, I shall start by putting in context a series of work exploring in a broad sense a methodology based on shallow representations of computations in Coq. I will then more specifically focus on a recent piece of work that argues that such monadic interpreters built as layers of interpretations stacked atop the free monad constitute a promising way to implement and verify abstract interpreters. The approach enables modular proofs of soundness of the resulting interpreters. We provide generic abstract control flow combinators proven correct once and for all against their concrete counterpart. We demonstrate how to relate concrete handlers implementing effects to abstract variants of these handlers, essentially capturing the traditional soundness of transfer functions in the context of monadic interpreters. Finally, we provide generic results to lift soundness statements via the interpretation of stateful and failure effects. We have formalized all the aforementioned combinators and theories in Coq, and demonstrated their benefits by implementing and proving correct two illustrative abstract interpreters for a structured imperative language and a toy assembly. This contribution is joint work with Sébastien Michelland and Laure Gonnord, and has been the focus of a paper at ICFP'24. Vous pouvez vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires: http://cambium.inria.fr/seminar.html Nos séminaires sont accessibles en ligne en direct via le lien ci-dessus.