Vous pouvez vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires: http://cambium.inria.fr/seminar.html Nos séminaires sont accessibles en ligne en direct: https://webconf.math.cnrs.fr/b/fra-ryy-fjn S É M I N A I R E ______ __ _ / ____/___ _____ ___ / /_ (_)_ ______ ___ / / / __ `/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ / / / / __ `__ \ / /___/ /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / / / / \____/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_.___/_/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/ I N R I A - Paris 2 rue Simone Iff (ou: 41 rue du Charolais) Salle Lions 1, bâtiment C Lundi 15 novembre, 14h00 ------------ Paul Ianetta ------------ ENS Lyon ==================================================== Compiling pattern matching to in-place modifications ==================================================== Algebraic data types and pattern matching are popular tools to build programs manipulating complex data structures in a safe yet efficient manner. On top of its safety advantages, compilation techniques can turn pattern matching into highly efficient deconstruction code for immutable use cases. Conversely, high-performance datastructures and languages prefer to leverage (controlled) mutations to maximize time and memory efficiency. Algebraic data types provide a natural framework to efficiently describe in-place transformations as rewrite rules. Such representation could take advantage of parallelism opportunities that appear in tree-like structures. We present early steps towards a new technique to compile pattern matching as parallel in-place modifications of the underlying memory representation. Towards this goal, we combine the usual language approach which is common in pattern-matching compilation with tools from the polyhedral model, which is commonly used in high-performance code generation to output efficient C code. We present our formalism, along with a prototype implementation.