Vous pouvez vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires http://gallium.inria.fr/seminaires/ S E M I N A I R E __ / _` _ / / o / ) __) / / / / / /\/| (___/ (_/ (_ (_ / (__/ / | I N R I A - Rocquencourt Amphi Turing du bâtiment 1 Lundi 2 juin, 10h30 ---------------- Sigurd Schneider ---------------- Saarland University ======================================================= Towards Verification of GVN-CSE on a Functional Intermediate Language with System Calls ======================================================= We present a semantic specification of a common subexpression elimination (CSE) based on global value numbering (GVN) in the setting of a functional intermediate language. The language includes system calls and expressions that may err (division by zero). Semantic preservation for GVN-CSE is shown via induction. So far, we have implemented and verified copy propagation and constant folding against the specification; the implementation of GVN analysis is in progress.