To: From: Subject: SEM - INRIA : Cristal - 03/12/04 - Paris - FR Vous pouvez vous abonner à nos annonces de séminaires S E M I N A I R E ___ . / ___ __ /_ _ / /| /| _ __ __ _ _ / / / /_ / __| / ----- / |/ | / \ /_ / / \ | / __| |___ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / | |_/__/ |_ |_/ |/ |_/ I N R I A - Rocquencourt Salle de conférences du bâtiment 7 Vendredi 3 decembre, 10h30 --------- Barry Jay --------- UTS, Sydney =================== Unifiable Subtyping =================== Pattern-matching algorithms can support more algorithms, and more polymorphism, than previously realised. Typing of such powerful algorithms requires novel type derivation rules. A key insight is that different cases in a patternmatch may have different types, provided that they are all specialisations of a common default type. Two forms of specialisation have been identified. The first is by type variable instantiation. It allows one to define map1 : (a->b) -> c a -> c b by cases whose types instantiate the variable c to different type combinators. The second is by (unifiable) subtyping which eliminates many of the difficulties usually associated with subtyping. For P->S to be a unifiable subtype of Q -> T it suffices sigma P = sigma Q implies sigma S < sigma T for any type substitution sigma. When this holds it is possible to combine cases of types P->S and Q->T into a pattern-matching function. In paticular, it is possible to add new cases to existing methods in a sub-class. Since function arguments are handled by type unification instead of subtyping there is no contravariance problem, and so no need for dynamic typecasts etc. These ideas, and the pattern calculus as a whole, will be addressed, using implemented examples to illustrate.