Rewriting in modular setting We consider the extension of the Calculus of Constructions with modules and rewriting. Having rewriting in the conversion relation of the calculus permits the automatization of equational proof steps and compression of proof terms. Modules are needed to help users to cope with large proofs, providing abstraction mechanism and name-space management. They also can be used to represent mathematical structures. Even though rewriting and modules seem orthogonal concepts, they interfere in many ways. We will present how rewriting can be introduced into an interactive theorem prover in order to guarantee the strong normalization and the confluence of the underlying reduction. Then we will discuss possible interactions with different module systems, namely the variant of Ocaml module system and the Module Calculus by Judicael Courant. In the end we will discuss the specification calculus, the highly parameterized calculus which presents modules, rewriting, and inductive types in a uniform and elegant way.