Newsgroups: fr.announce.seminaires Distribution: fr To: From: Organization: INRIA-Rocquencourt Subject: SEM - INRIA : Coq - 21/9/99 - Paris - FR *** Notez le jour et l'horaire inhabituel *** S E M I N A I R E ____ ____ ___ / _ _ / __ __ /_ _ / / | _ __ _ / / \ / \ ___ / / | / /_ / __| / ___ /___/ __| / | __| |___ |_/ |_/ |____ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / |_/ / |_/ / / I N R I A - Rocquencourt, Salle de conference du Bat 007 Mardi 21 septembre, 11h ------------- ZHOU Chaochen ------------- United Nations University, Macao ==================================== An Introduction to Duration Calculus ==================================== The Duration Calculus (abbreviated DC) represents a logical approach to formal design of real-time systems. DC is based on interval logic, and uses the real numbers to model time, and Boolean-valued (i.e. {0,1}-valued) functions over time to model states and events of real-time systems. The duration of a state in a time interval is the accumulated presence time of the state in the interval. DC extends interval logic with a calculus to specify and reason about properties of state durations.