Newsgroups: fr.announce.seminaires Distribution: fr From: Organization: INRIA-Rocquencourt Subject: SEM - INRIA : Coq - 4/12/98 - Paris - FR S E M I N A I R E ____ ____ ___ / _ _ / __ __ /_ _ / / | _ __ _ / / \ / \ ___ / / | / /_ / __| / ___ /___/ __| / | __| |___ |_/ |_/ |____ / / __/ |_ |_/ |_ / |_/ / |_/ / / I N R I A - Rocquencourt, Salle de conference du Bat 11 Vendredi 4 decembre, 10h30 ---------------------------------- Martin Strecker and Marko Luther Institution : Universit\"{a}t Ulm ---------------------------------- ======================================================= Proof construction in type theory - the Typelab system ======================================================= This talk will discuss methods of interactive and automated proof construction in type theory and present an implementation of these methods in the Typelab system. To facilitate proof construction in type theory, metavariables are introduced as placeholders for proof objects. These metavariables can be further refined or solved in the course of a proof, for example by application of proof rules or by unification. Some problems resulting from a naive treatment of metavariables will be sketched, such as loss of commutativity of instantiation of metavariables and reduction and ill-typed terms resulting from reduction. To deal with these problems, a calculus with explicit substitutions will be presented. This calculus differs from most calculi with explicit substitutions in that substitutions can only be attached to metavariables, which leads to a preservation of properties like confluence and strong normalization. It will be shown that this calculus is not only adequate for interactive proof construction, but can easily be converted to a sequent style formulation which can be exploited for automating proof search. The second part of the talk will give a survey of the Typelab system, a proof assistant based on type theory. The integration of the above calculus into Typelab and, more generally, some questions of term representation will be discussed. Typelab has been implemented in an object-oriented extension of Common Lisp and, for example, uses a non-standard representation of binding structures.